What is Obesity

Obesity: Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment & More

Health is the most important aspect of our life and a healthy weight equals to Healthy Body. If our body weight is normal, our bones, muscles, brain, heart, and others can play their parts smoothly and efficiently for many years. On the other hand, excess weight or obesity gradually diminishes almost every aspect of health. Obesity affects almost all the functions from reproductive to respiratory. Also, memory and mood also get disturbed. Let us learn some more about obesity.

What is Obesity?

The World Health Organization defines overweight and obesity as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a health risk. BMI is like a pointer. It indicates the amount of fat that is accumulated in our bodies. When height and weight are plugged into a mathematical formula, BMI is determined. According to WHO, it is defined as a person’s weight in kilograms divided by the square of the person’s height in metres (kg/m 2 ).  For example, an adult who weighs 75 kg and whose height is 1.60 m will have a BMI of 29.3. To calculate BMI for an adult above 20, this table can help.

BMI Nutritional status

  • Below 18.5 Underweight
  • 18.5–24.9 Normal weight
  • 25.0–29.9 Pre-obesity
  • 30.0–34.9 Obesity class I
  • 35.0–39.9 Obesity class II
  • Above 40 Obesity class III

When your body mass index (BMI) is over 25, it is considered overweight, and if it is over 30, it is considered obese.

Metabolism: Friend or Foe

Obesity can occur due to heredity, physiological factors, environmental factors by diet, exercise and other physical activities. When we consume more calories than we burn, our body stores the excess calories in the form of fat. Here comes the basic role of Metabolism. It is a process by which our body converts our food into energy. During this process, energy is released by a combination of calories and oxygen. Our metabolism affects our weight. Let’s understand How. A person with a fast metabolism will be thin in spite of eating large amounts of food. It means that his or her food is processed very effectively. On the other hand, people with a slower metabolic rate gain weight very easily with each plate of food they have. The weight is gained around the abdomen, in the liver etc. Which can lead to various diseases like fatty lever, high blood pressure, heart disease etc.

Can we boost up Metabolism?

boost up metabolism

Yes, we can boost up the metabolism which can directly relate to a healthy weight of our body. Some ways to boost metabolism are:

  • Eat a high protein breakfast
  • Go for Cardio
  • Add Green Tea to your schedule
  • Increase fibre intake
  • Add vitamins and minerals to your diet
  • Get enough sleep

Some people choose for fast results and start having crash diets. A better option is to change our lifestyle. Although it will bring a change slowly, it will be more safe and long-lasting. A sudden change in metabolism and dropping down of weight because of crash diets can have negative effects on health. It can make our muscles lose. Rather, the change should be brought naturally and for a sustainable period of time.

Better Lifestyle Healthy Weight

Adding some basic habits in our lifestyle can help us to avoid getting overweight or even treat it.

  • Eating healthy foods: Saying no to Junk foods and adding lots of fiber, fruits and vegetables to our diet can be an easy and effective tip.
  • Staying away from saturated fats and sugars.
  • Divide your meals throughout the day, having small meals can give us more energy.
  • When we accumulate stress in our mind, our body stores fats in our body. Hence

Living a stress-free life is a big secret to staying healthy with a normal weight.

Is Obesity A Common Problem?

Although Obesity is not a normal disease, it has become very common. The issue has grown to epidemic proportions. According to research, there are approximately 135 million obese individuals in India. Also, India records more than 10 million cases every year. There are many blogs and videos available that can give us broad knowledge about this threatening disease that is becoming very common in today’s life.

What Health Problems Can Obesity Cause?

Obesity is a medical problem and it can increase the risk of various problems such as:

  • Hypertension (High blood pressure)
  • High LDL cholesterol
  • Coronary heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Gallbladder disease
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Osteoarthritis (a breakdown of cartilage and bone within a joint)
  • Sleep apnea
  • Breathing problems
  • Mental illness such as clinical depression, anxiety, and other mental disorders
  • Body pain and difficulty with physical functioning
  • Certain types of Cancers

There are many medications available in the market to reduce weight. It is not safe to use any drug without having proper knowledge of it. The most common side effects of such medications are gastrointestinal problems like diarrhoea, faecal incontinence, bloating, and dyspepsia.

Ayurvedic Treatments for Obesity

Ayurvedic Treatments for Obesity

Ayurveda originated 5000 years ago in India, yet today it has gained preferences all over the world. People believe that Ayurveda has treatments for most of the diseases. In Ayurveda, Obesity is named Atisthaulya. It occurs due to excessive accumulation of Meda i.e. fat/adipose tissue and Mamsa i.e. flesh/muscle tissue. This accumulation leads to flabby hips, abdomen, and breasts.

Some herbs have proven effects in treating obesity. They are:

  • punarnava
  • aloe vera
  • ajwain
  • lemon-honey
  • pepper (piperine)
  • cabbage horse gram
  • ginger-garlic lemon

Winzera provides supplements like Digestera, Seabuckthorn Fitwin, Tulsi Curcumins Drop which can help in gaining a healthy lifestyle. Sea Buckthorn is a very important ingredient to include in our diet to keep obesity at bay. In a research, published by Cambridge University Press on the topic: Anti-obesity effect of Sea Buckthorn (Hippohae rhamnoides) on diet-induced obese C57BL/6N mice, the results show that it reduced feed intake, body weight gain, epididymal fat weight, hepatic triglyceride and cholesterol and serum leptin level in the SL groups compared with the HD group. Also, there was a significant decrease in serum total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride, HDL- cholesterol (HDL-c) and the ratio between HDL-c and TC concentrations. It has also featured on the famous Dr. Oz Show, it is available on YouTube and we can learn how sea buckthorn can aid to boost metabolism thereby keeping weight in check. Winzera’s Sea Buckthorn Fitwin contains ingredients that can be really helpful in treating obesity. They are:

  • Sea Buckthorn Pulp: Sea Buckthorn is known as the ‘miracle wonder plant’ found in the pristine mountains of Ladakh and is loaded with plenty of bioactive compounds along with essential lipids, folic acid, tocopherols, flavonoids and several vitamins and minerals. It is also a rich source of Vitamin C, which aids in fat oxidation. It is one of the richest sources of Omega 7 fatty acid which is an amazing weight stabilizer.
  • Garcinina Cambogaia: It contains Hydroxycitric Acid (HCA) which aids in weight loss.
  • Guggul Extract: It promotes weight loss by reducing both skinfold thickness and body circumference.
  • Punarnava Extract, and
  • Kokum Extract: It contains HCA and is known to reduce the conversion of food into fat.

Note: Winzera doesn’t provide guaranteed results as its subject to the change in habits and lifestyle. Products are effective when taken properly with appropriate lifestyle and precautions.

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